That is one long icicle. This was actually from last winter when we broke every record for most snowfall and polar vortexes. I can see the yard stick in the snow on my table. That was a long winter. Well, onto the budget.
It is the beginning of a New Year and it is time to set the Budget for the Cottage. I try to keep my bills at a minimum, so I can enjoy my life.
I know that Dave Ramsey says "live like no one else, so you can live like no one else", but I have a different take on that. While I think that Dave Ramsey has a lot of great ideas, like having an Emergency Fund. I really do think this is the key to not going into debt, so yes, I have an Emergency Fund or should I say just a plain ole savings account, which I have money directly deposited into twice a month from one of my jobs.
So, I set my budget on my other incomes. I have a few different sources of income, which I can go into in another post. So, Dave Ramsey also says pay off your debt with the Debt Snowball. Okay, I am working on that. I am paying on my debt and I have some debt I need to track down that I stopped paying on and get them back into the snowball of things, per se.
But, while Dave Ramsey says get gazelle intense and "live like no one else so you can live like no one else", well that scares me. I mean, we are not guaranteed to be here on any given day and our life could end at any given moment. So, I really believe that you have to not put your life on hold to get rid of your debt. You need to live, you need to have purpose, you need to be happy. I have heard that "Money can't buy happiness" and it's true, you have to make happy happen. Although, money could probably help.... I just don't think it is the answer.
So that is what I do. I make my life happy. Yes, there will always be the challenges and sad times in life, loved ones getting sick, funerals, cars breaking down, you know life gets in the way. But, you have to be happy, right. I think I will do a different post on happiness in the future.
I have set my budget up to have just minimal payments on the stuff I own. I like being a minimalist. I think that making memories is far more gratifying than owning stuff. Afterall, I have one set of sheets for each bed. I take them off, wash them and put them back on, all in the same day. But, I live in a fairly small beautiful cottage, around 1600 s.f., that I have been lovingly restoring over the past 16 years and is very, very affordable. As a matter of fact, I could not live anywhere else any cheaper, I believe. So here they are, my household expenses.
Basic Expenses:
*Mortgage (my taxes and homeowner's insurance is included in this)
*Consumers Energy - Gas
*Detroit Edison - Electric
*Sewer bill
Added Fun Expenses:
*Comcast - Internet service only (we use antennas for our tv viewing or watch it online)
*Cell phones
*Jeep payment
*Vehicle Insurance
*Life Insurance
*Discover Card (dreaded - really going to try to kick this out this year. I owe around $5,000, but my summer job might be able to help kick this to the curb)
*Groceries (Food, household, water softener salt and cat items)
So, yeah, that is kind of it. I have a couple "sinking funds", like our Membership to our local Beach/Boating Club (which is my summer job), Vehicle Registration/Tabs/Maintenance and Outings (like festivals, weekends away, movies, etc).
So pretty basic stuff.
Other than having one of my income sources directly deposited into my savings accounts, I like to add some fun savings. The ones I can touch and feel. The ones in front of my eyes, the ever-growing kind.
The 52 Week Money Challenge and the Change Jar which I drop into this cute Tobacco jar (No, I don't smoke). The 52 WMC jar I will use for Christmas this year. Last year, I used it to buy a Hot Tub. So, I actually do not go the whole year saving. I save up until around Black Friday or week 48, which gives me $1,176.00 whopping dollars. I do, however, shop throughout the year, if I see a deal I cannot pass up. But, I keep track of my purchases and stick the receipt in the 52 WMC jar along with the cash.
The Tobacco change jar, well, it doesn't have a job yet. I am just saving it for something. Maybe to buy chemicals for my hot tub, or a small weekend vacation with my Honey. I just don't know. But, something will come to mind, so I just keep adding to it.
Do any of you do any fun savings. If so, tell me in the comments below.
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